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《The Reader》未谋面的女人帮了我

   日期:2024-10-22     移动:http://www78564.xrbh.cn/mobile/quote/21593.html

my mouth was suddenly full, i tried to swallow everything down again, and clenched my teeth with my hand in front of my mouth, but it all burst out of my mouth anyway straight through my fingers. i leaned against the wall of the building, looked down at the vomit around my feet, and retched something clear and sticky. when rescue came, it was almost an assault.

我的嘴突然满了,我试着把所有的东西都咽下来,用我的手在我的嘴前咬紧了牙齿,但不管怎么说,它都从我的嘴里直接穿过我的手指。 我靠在大楼的墙上,低头看着我脚边的呕吐物,干了一些清晰而粘稠的东西。 当救援到来时,几乎是一次袭击。


the woman seized my arm and pulled me through the dark entryway into the courtyard. up above there were lines strung from window to window, loaded with laundry. wood was stacked in the courtyard; in an open workshop a saw screamed and shavings flew. the woman turned on the tap, washed my hand first, and then cupped both of hers and threw water in my face. i dried myself with a handkerchief.

“get that one!”

There were two pails standing by the faucet; she grabbed one and filled it. I took the other one, filled it, and followed her through the entryway. She swung her arm, the water sluiced down across the walk and washed the vomit into the gutter. Then she took my pail and sent a second wave of water across the walk.When she straightened up, she saw I was crying.

“Hey, kid,”

she said, startled, “hey, kid” - and took me in her arms. I wasn’t much taller than she was, I could feel her breasts against my chest. I smelled the sourness of my own breath and felt her fresh sweat as she held me, and didn’t know where to look. I

stopped crying.


那个女人抓住我的手臂,把我从黑暗的入口拉进院子里。 上面有从窗口到窗口的线条,上面装满了洗衣。 院子里堆放着木头;在一个开放的车间里,一把锯子尖叫着,刨花飞了起来。 那个女人打开水龙头,先洗了我的手,然后把她的两只手都捏起来,把水扔到我脸上。 我用手帕擦干自己。 “拿那个!水龙头旁边站着两个桶,她抓起一个装满了。 我拿了另一个,装满了它,跟着她穿过入口。 她挥动手臂,水在人行道上流下来,把呕吐物冲到排水沟里。 然后她拿起我的桶,在人行道上送了第二波水。当她挺直身子时,她看到我在哭。 “嘿,孩子,”她吓了一跳,“嘿,孩子”,把我抱在怀里。 我没有比她高多少,我能感觉到她的胸部抵在我的胸口。 我闻到了自己呼吸的酸味,当她抱着我的时候,我感觉到了她的新鲜汗水,不知道该往哪里看。 我不哭了。


clenched :v. 抓紧,咬紧

He hammered his two clenched fists on the table. 他双拳紧握,重重地捶着桌子。

burst out :被开除;花突然开放;突然开始;逃脱

The class burst out laughing. 全班突然大笑起来。

vomit :v. 呕吐;大量喷出。

n. 呕吐物;催吐剂

The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit. 她嗓子里的血腥味让她直恶心。

retched :v. 干呕(retch的过去式和过去分词)

I felt some nausea and retched several times. But I didn't throw up anything. 我感到恶心,干呕了几次, 但没吐出什么来.

assault :n. 攻击;威胁

v. 袭击;强暴

At the police station, I was charged with assault. 在警察局,我被指控殴打他人

cupped:adj. 凹陷的;杯形的

He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand. 他用手心托着她的下巴。

sluiced :v. 冲洗;水喷出;漂净

He sluiced the bath and filled it. 他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。


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