近日,全球权威色彩机构Pantone公布2024年度流行色为:柔和桃(Peach Fuzz)。
Pantone's color of the year for 2024 is PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, a gentle and nurturing peach shade that serves as a reminder to slow down and care for ourselves and one another.
Peach Fuzz captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. It's a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.
“Fuzz”一词意为“绒毛, 轻柔的物质”。
The romantic color's name reflects the tactile sensuality associated with the hue: velvety peaches, soft marabou feathers, and smooth vintage satins and silks all come to mind when thinking about the pink and orange combo.
tactile adj. 触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的
hue n. 色彩;色度
Poetic and romantic, a clean peach tone with a vintage vibe, the color reflects the past yet has been refashioned with a contemporary ambiance. Sensitive but sweet and airy, it evokes a new modernity.
潘通色彩研究所执行董事莉雅翠丝·艾斯曼(Leatrice Eiseman)表示,柔和桃与人们与生俱来对亲近和联结的渴望相呼应,这种焕发着温暖和现代优雅气息的颜色能引发共鸣,将青春与永恒连接在一起。
"In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance. A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace, and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless." Pantone color executive director Leatrice Eiseman said.
"As we enter 2024, some of the things that have become especially apparent to us is the concept of lifestyle taking on new meaning," Eiseman told TIME.
"We've been living in this time of turmoil in many aspects of our lives, and as a result of that, our need for nurturing, empathy, and compassion continues to grow stronger as we imagine a more peaceful future."
潘通色彩研究所副所长劳里·普雷斯曼(Laurie Pressman)表示:“我们看到人们越来越关注社群,世界各地的人们正在重新定义他们想要的生活方式,并审视什么才是真正重要的——即与我们所爱之人亲密无间的舒适感。”
"With this year’s Pantone Color of the Year 2024, we see an increased focus on community and people across the world reframing how they want to live and evaluating what is important -- that being the comfort of being close to those we love," Laurie Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, said in a statement.
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